Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Al Show

I sometimes feel like I am on the Truman show. So many things just seem to happen to me with such large coincidence that I don't believe they aren't orchestrated. Jobs would just come at the right time, money would come into it life...all the stuff that just doesn't seem to happen to other people.

So it seems that prior to the last twelve months or so the viewers of my very own Truman Show had got a little bored. The result was that the producers turned up the heat; love, work and family suddenly got a little bit crazy. The viewers seem to like to see me grappling with a number of things at once. Maybe they wonder when I will break?

Right now however they are cutting me some slack, with the romance shaping up to be something worth seeing! Last night came confirmation of this with a (drunk) friend telling me he thought me and the other half were meant to be together. Usually no-one pays attention to these drunken ramblings but he elaborated with such precision and passion that I couldn't help but pay attention! And so at a time when, once again on cue, I needed reminding someone was there to do it! 

Welcome to The Al Show.


Anonymous said...

If your life WERE a tv show, I'd definitely watch. But then I'd likely be a recurring character, too. Hmm.

Deb said...

I always thought there should be a soundtrack to my life. That's why I thought I'd be an actor, so that I could have music narrate my most tragic moments.
Then I realised I was a bit shit at acting and I was more of a dramatist and I should find a new career path...

Al said...

Yeah what are they paying you MD?

And Deb, I thought a similar thing re music, and have always liked listening to film scores for exactly that reason...