Friday, March 27, 2009


It's not great to come home to a note stuck to your door, as it usually means something from the body corporate telling us what we should, or more likely shouldn't, be doing.

Tonight I came home rather merry and found a note in my door. Opening it I was confronted by a complete invasion of my personal safety, with the note being from the apartment right next to me informing us that they had been broken into last night. Made worse was the news that it was from the front door...which means we were all potential targets. It's not nice to know that people were comitting this crime just metres from what I usually think of as a place of safety - my 'sanctuary' if you like.

I hope it was a one off, but something tells me once the security is breached it's a known weakness and they might be back.

Posted with LifeCast

1 comment:

Jayne said...

That's horrible for your neighbour and you.
Can CCTV cameras be installed or can you install some of your own - they're pretty cheap (and portable) these days.