Monday, January 19, 2009

Worlds Apart

Once a year we amble down to the park for a festival if all things gay. It's through a sense of obligation to those who had it much harder than me to live life as a gay man that I go down and walk around, avoiding the lustful eyes of men older than my father.

Despite this unwanted attention from people who could kill the ugly tree they hit it so hard, it's something else that always seems to fascinate me.

It's so funny that lesbians get lumped into the same venue once a year as gay men. The difference is like Datsun and BMW, Coon and a French Blue, cask versus Veuve (assuming there is a cask version??). And yet because we are all gay, we get lumped into the same venue! I'd love to know what the lesbians are celebrating as they roll around in the dirt, their feet the colour of the ash our fine cheeses get rolled in.

The gay men, on the other hand, are celebrating the fact that they have managed to avoid the lesbians spilling beer all over them, as the lesbians struggle about in a drunken stupor yelling obscenities at each other as a matter of course. And so we scurried back to our apartments in our European cars and were safe once more!

Lesbians seem similar to gypsies, no shame...and a foul mouth.


Posted with LifeCast


Jayne said...

Al !
You're just begging for controversial comments, aren't you? LOL
I'll have you know I've helped several pickled gay male boi friends up out of the dirt of the Alexandra Gardens only to walk past prim and proper grrls pursing their lips at the outrageously funny spectacle we made.(actually, much more entertaining than some of the performers. Meow).

Deb said...

Al, you are contriversial by nature, but at least you say things as they are. You call a spade a shovel. And you know what, I think you do have a point.

Anonymous said...

'from people who could kill the ugly tree they hit it so hard'

I just laughed out loud. Don't change, dear boy.