Saturday, December 6, 2008


So I'm going to tell you a story...I'm not quite sure what it means yet but that will become obvious soon enough I'm sure.

I have been out for the last two nights, finding it really tough to go out and see a world of sex, substances and sordid behaviour that I thought I would never have to deal with again. I really felt that I as never going to be single again, but here I am...

Anyway, tonight I felt I was making progress then I got text from my ex...."I have just met Matt and apparently you said all good things about me. I miss you xx". Instantly my heart sank and the tears formed. I became a mess. Fuelled by a lot of alcohol I was heading to a dark place.

Now regular readers will be keen to know that Matt was the man I have blogged about before. The antithesis of my ex, successful and older, he was everything I described I wanted to have to get over my ex. I met him on a recent business trip to Perth. He has been on my mind a lot lately as I really think he is someone I want to be part of my life. Little did I realize why....

So it turns out that Matt had gone out and got talking to a cute young guy who was talking about his boyfriend and how things had ended. Matt had given him his opinion of the situation, saying that he thought the reasons he had given Matt for why the relationship had ended were a load of rubbish. The young man then showed Matt a photo...Matt apparently nearly fell over when my face showed up on screen!!!

So there was my ex seeking relationship advice from a guy I had met in Perth once! I don't know what will happen, but my god the world is an odd place!!! I have always said that I felt we were just meant to be together, and this just encourages it. Maybe I'm wrong but right now it feels that way!

Posted with LifeCast


Jayne said...

Serendipity sent Matt to reassure you that the break-up reasons were a load of rubbish and that, perhaps, your ex was just that bit too immature to appreciate your relationship properly.
Plus Matt knows you're free and available so it's all good ;)

Anonymous said...

I like Jayne's thinking. Have you worked it out yet, dear boy?

Al said...

I have indeed figured it out, because sometimes in life things are just meant to be. Happily back together, head over heels in love, our relationship got the kick up the bum it needed!