Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Left Of Field

A friend of mine told me of such an usual comment that I am not sure what else to do but put it up here and invite comment. I'm sure MD, Deb and my usual commentators will have something to say on this!

The friend at the cente of this unusual story was asked to find someone with particular IT skills to do some work for her organisation. In contact with someone she soon signs him up for the job, and informs him via email that he's got the contract. He replied very happy to have the work.

Being a social person and good motivator of her staff she informs the new contractor via a short email that he should join them for drinks on Friday night. The response was something I did not even see coming. "thanks but I already have a girlfriend". What the...???

I was lost for words. What man possibly thinks his new boss I'd planning to take him on a date the first Friday he starts work?? In fact even if it was just a colleague, surely this assumption is not normal!

No wonder so many men are SO single if this is how they carry on! Do they really think that everyone wants to get into their pants? Do they think it's that easy to play the field?

Surely not?


Posted with LifeCast


Anonymous said...

WTF? Tosser.

My reply would have been something like 'that's nice, but you don't have colleagues yet. And with an attitude like that, you may never get any!'

Jayne said...

I'm surprised he could see the email in the first place with his head so far up his own backside!